
Migraine: Final Task

Here you go: the final product! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!

Production Blog: Changes

 There is NO way what just happened happened. It is a few days before our project is due and we were emailed back by the licensing department of a song we wanted to use. After emailing a lot of producers, licensing departments, even artists themselves, we were finally contacted by one. We were so excited when we received this news. We wanted to avoid using royalty free music at all costs. But a week before our final task was due, we lost all hope. That is until we received an email from the licensing department of Ethel Cain, giving us permission to use her song "Ptolemaea" for our final task. The timing couldn't have been any more perfect! Apart from the sudden change in music, we began to take in the suggestions that Sammie's dad and my dad provided and shift some things around. We added all of the titles inserted into the video instead of just on the paper to make it easier to read. Originally, we believed this was going to look tacky. But it kind of fits the theme

Production Blog: Review

 Now that we are finally done, it is time to get our video reviewed by someone. We spent a decently lengthy time trying to find a good candidate (or set of candidates) to review our final task. We were having a difficult time deciding between our friends or a trusted adult to review our project. We wound up deciding to ask an adult because we believed our friends would simply brush it off and say our project was good without providing any constructive criticism. Now, we had to think of the most critical adult we could think of. Then we realized we had the most perfect candidate: Sammie’s dad. He is the most perfect combination of condemning with artistic talent we could find. We sent the video to Sammie’s dad so that he could provide us with some helpful feedback, which he did. We took what he said into account.  Sammie’s dad said that instead of just having the paper displaying the titles, we should insert text that said the same thing in case it was difficult for viewers to read. We

Production Blog: Music

 Its been too long to ignore the burning question at this point. What music are we going to use? We had the absolute highest hopes to use "Everything In Its Right Place" by Radiohead. I emailed them in early January, and we had some high hopes since we got a message from the bassist in return. After a while though, I began to notice him acting strangely. He would type with missing words and always end each sentence with the word "okay." He would continuously direct message me asking if I had $500 in bitcoin or Steam gift cards. This is when we began to realize this whole situation was super sketchy. At one point, he called me "little baby" which is when we came to the conclusion that this is not in fact Colin Greenwood, but a scammer impersonating him. I stopped responding to him and he stopped bothering me after I told him that we do not have the money. A few weeks later, I checked his account to see if there were any comments on his posts about this acco

Production Blog: Final Touches

 After school, the four of us went back to Barnes & Noble to film our remaining scenes. I brought along my white sweater, eyedrops, and white bow just in case we may need to use them again. We stopped for a quick snack at the Starbucks downstairs since we had just gotten out of school and were a bit hungry. After finishing our food, we went upstairs to see what we could do. We came into the store clueless about what we were going to do. It was only a matter of creativity that could save us now. We walked along the bookshelves trying to find something we could film. Sammie got a few shots of the books on the shelves from different angles that we can potentially use, even though they are only a few seconds long. We tried to get some clips of the books flying past while on the shelves but they might look too chaotic to put into our final task, as it is already chaotic enough as it is. We really hope this makes up for the 20 seconds of footage that we don't have. If it doesn't,

Production Blog: Editing

After Isaac left, we had to start brainstorming ideas on how to achieve longer footage. Since we couldn't go back and film me again, we didn't know what to do. Eventually, we decided to try to go back another day and just film random excerpts of books on the shelves. Maybe throw in some distorted clips of our surrounding area. We decided that our solution was sufficient enough and moved on with the editing process. We kept updating Isaac as we edited so that he would be able to have a say in things and contribute to the project. As we kept adjusting clips to try and make them a little longer, we stumbled upon another dilemma: we don't know what music to use! We are all hoping to get the rights for "Everything In Its Right Place," but the clock is ticking so we need to come up with backup options. We scrolled through a bit of royalty free music and found some potential options. We wrote down the names and are keeping them for future purposes.  As we continued worki