Short Film Research: The Boy who Cheated Death
"The Boy who Cheated Death" is a five minute long short film encapsulating love and trauma. It is a very touching short film, in which a little boy tries to hide his mother from Death. Throughout the film, the boy and his mother embark on a game of hide and seek as different creatures, as Death hunts them down in every universe. The film ends with the boy, now older running towards his mother. With each second, the boy appears to be aging down until he is the little boy we met at the beginning of the film, where his mother picks him up and embraces him. A very frequent movement technique used in this film was a tracking shot. Since there was a lot of commotion and movement within the characters, tracking shots were used to keep watch over and follow them. The film took place across multiple settings. Each time a setting was changed, an establishing shot of that new environment was shot. This allowed the audience to know where in the world the characters are. There were an ab...