Production Blog: The Clock is Ticking!
Oh boy, it has been a rough few weeks. January and February have flown by in the blink of en eye! Aidan and I hardly realized this as we have both been so busy recently. The truth is, we haven't had much time to film our short film. We have individually filmed a few scenes at our own houses, but we have hardly had time to film scenes together. Sure, we have our script planned out, as well as who is going to be in our short film and where we are going to film. All that is left is actually executing our plan.
For our script, we are pretty much going to carry out exactly what was written in our storyboard. We wrote the basic outline of a script with line suggestions. But of course, improvisation is more than welcome as it can actually make the story much more entertaining. We are always able to reshoot any scenes we do not find fit, so if we mess up or would rather take some dialogue out, it is okay. As for our location, Aidan is going to be driving us around to a few locations. The first locations we will go to is both of our houses. We were able to film a few scenes on our own, but there are some in our houses that we need the other person to help us film. We are going to mainly film at a park since it has a few locations that are different enough from each other that we can use. If we are still lacking some diversity in location, our backup plan is to film some scenes at the beach as well. Aidan has asked a few boys from his baseball team to be some background characters. I have asked a member from my band to assist us with filming where there is a scene that involves the two of us in it. We are planning on filming sometime later this week. Hopefully everything goes as planned!
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