Our Pitch

Pitch A: Take on "Freaky Friday" where the two participants do not end up switching back

Pitch B: Modern story inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Two best friends turned enemies, then turned back into friends and then into lovers, but one of them dies

Discuss Pitch A: The first idea we came up with was our own take on a Freaky Friday type of movie. This movie would be a drama thriller where there are two main characters: one character is a loner quiet type who gets continuously bullied by the other main character, who is the popular jock stereotype which is widely accepted in their school. Then there is one day where the bullying has been taken too far and the loner character is humiliated in front of the whole school by our other main character. The two characters go home and go to sleep, but they wake up in each other's bodies. The now loner character pleads for the now bully character to switch back. The now bully character agrees, but kills the now loner character at the last minute because he decided he does not want to switch back.

Discuss Pitch B: The second idea we came up with was a modern version inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Two inseparable childhood best friends were bound by shared dreams of escaping their rough neighborhood. But as they begin high school, they drift apart. A few years later, the friends rekindle. Old wounds resurface, but so do forgotten feelings. They realize they like each other, but the boy has a girlfriend. The boy decides to break up with his girlfriend for his childhood best friend. But as he is driving back from his now ex girlfriend's house, he gets into a fatal car crash and dies.

Our Final Decision: We decided to go with Pitch A as it is more interesting


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