Production Blog: Review

 Now that we are finally done, it is time to get our video reviewed by someone. We spent a decently lengthy time trying to find a good candidate (or set of candidates) to review our final task. We were having a difficult time deciding between our friends or a trusted adult to review our project. We wound up deciding to ask an adult because we believed our friends would simply brush it off and say our project was good without providing any constructive criticism. Now, we had to think of the most critical adult we could think of. Then we realized we had the most perfect candidate: Sammie’s dad. He is the most perfect combination of condemning with artistic talent we could find. We sent the video to Sammie’s dad so that he could provide us with some helpful feedback, which he did. We took what he said into account. 

Sammie’s dad said that instead of just having the paper displaying the titles, we should insert text that said the same thing in case it was difficult for viewers to read. We made a small trial clip and showed it to him so we could clarify that that was what he was referring to. Sammie’s dad said that was exactly what he was thinking of, but to make the text just a bit bigger. He said “it makes you wanna look for the text in the video.” Which he then elaborated on the font and style of the text, saying that it should have a different color or shadow to make it easier to read. “So that it pops a little bit more from the background,” we’re his exact words. He also suggested something that I had previously suggested while we were editing. Sammie’s dad recommended slightly adjusting the music to either cut out or get quieter while there is dialogue so that it is easier to hear the voices. We also sent the video to my dad, although he didn't have much to say. He mainly pointed out things similar to Sammie's dad. But, he did say to maybe put a filter on the video because something about the original color was a little off. These suggestions were really helpful to us and are going to improve our final task so much!


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