Production Blog: Changes

 There is NO way what just happened happened. It is a few days before our project is due and we were emailed back by the licensing department of a song we wanted to use. After emailing a lot of producers, licensing departments, even artists themselves, we were finally contacted by one. We were so excited when we received this news. We wanted to avoid using royalty free music at all costs. But a week before our final task was due, we lost all hope. That is until we received an email from the licensing department of Ethel Cain, giving us permission to use her song "Ptolemaea" for our final task. The timing couldn't have been any more perfect!

Apart from the sudden change in music, we began to take in the suggestions that Sammie's dad and my dad provided and shift some things around. We added all of the titles inserted into the video instead of just on the paper to make it easier to read. Originally, we believed this was going to look tacky. But it kind of fits the theme of me "going insane" in a way and looks pretty cool! We made sure to make the text a decent size, not too big and not too small. There were a few titles that looked a bit odd, whether it be not enough shadow or it would blend into the background, so we had to fix that. We also adjusted the length of how long the titles stayed on the screen because some of the draft titles would only be seen for a short period of time and disappear too quickly. Now, for the trickier part. We had to make the background dialogue a bit louder since it was difficult to hear. This was a bit tough because between the haunting lyrics of the song and the dialogue, everything sounded very overlapped. We spaced out the dialogue to be said where there is a break in between lyrics in the song and made the dialogue louder so that it could be heard better. After that, we simply placed a filter over it to make the colors pop out a bit more and so it wouldn't look too dull. I am happy to say that we are officially done with our final task!


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