Production Blog: Music

 Its been too long to ignore the burning question at this point. What music are we going to use? We had the absolute highest hopes to use "Everything In Its Right Place" by Radiohead. I emailed them in early January, and we had some high hopes since we got a message from the bassist in return. After a while though, I began to notice him acting strangely. He would type with missing words and always end each sentence with the word "okay." He would continuously direct message me asking if I had $500 in bitcoin or Steam gift cards. This is when we began to realize this whole situation was super sketchy. At one point, he called me "little baby" which is when we came to the conclusion that this is not in fact Colin Greenwood, but a scammer impersonating him. I stopped responding to him and he stopped bothering me after I told him that we do not have the money. A few weeks later, I checked his account to see if there were any comments on his posts about this account being a scammer account. I couldn't find the account though, because it got banned off of Instagram! Even though the real producer, responded to our email, I doubted that would go anywhere. I also tried to email the licensing department of The Beatles to get the rights for "A Day In The Life" and LCD Soundsystem for "New York, I Love You but You're Bringing Me Down," but I have not heard anything back since. We are definitely going to use royalty free music now.

Isaac found two royalty free songs that we are between using. One is named "Night on Bald Mountain" by Mussorgsky which is very haunting. The other is named "Dream of a Witches Sabbath" by Hector Berlioz which has a slower build up. We are most likely going to use "Dream of a Witches Sabbath" since our video starts out slow and then progressively builds up over time. We are still open to looking for options and are continuously searching the web for any better options. Although we are upset we cannot use the song we originally intended to, that's just life and we have to move on and make this project the best we possibly can!


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