Production Blog: Music

 Hello again! It feels like a while since I have written on here. But we’ve finally started our final task! Before we began to film, we came up with a storyline and discussed what songs could fit with our final task best. We came up with a few options: Us and Them by Pink Floyd, Where Is My Mind? by Pixies, Everything In Its Right Place by Radiohead, and A Day In The Life by The Beatles. We landed on being persistent about Everything In Its Right Place by Radiohead, as it was the song that best matched with our final task. The song begins somewhat normal, and then spirals into strange noises and morse code, which we thought would be perfect for when the main character starts to slowly spiral into insanity. 

I began to search up Radiohead’s production company, licensing department, and followed all the members of the band on every social media site I could think of. Lilly and I composed an elaborate message explaining the purpose of our final task and what we would need this song for. I found the contact information for Jeremy Blitz from Warner Chappell Music which is the music publishing company for Radiohead. A few hours later, I received an email back! I genuinely did not think I would have gotten and email back so quickly. The message read, “I'm forwarding your request to our Licensing department for handling." I was beyond exciting and immediately let my group mates know.

Not only did I email the production company, but I also reached out to all of the band members via Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter.) Although I doubted any of them would respond, it was worth a try! Boy, was I wrong. About a week after I had sent out the messages, I got an Instagram notification from the band's bassist, Colin Greenwood. Greenwood stated that he would be more than glad to assist us in achieving these rights. He provided me with the contact information for his personal licensing manager which could potentially enhance our chances of getting the rights! All we have to do now is wait for an answer! Hopefully it won't take too long...


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