Production Blog: Final Touches

 After school, the four of us went back to Barnes & Noble to film our remaining scenes. I brought along my white sweater, eyedrops, and white bow just in case we may need to use them again. We stopped for a quick snack at the Starbucks downstairs since we had just gotten out of school and were a bit hungry. After finishing our food, we went upstairs to see what we could do. We came into the store clueless about what we were going to do. It was only a matter of creativity that could save us now. We walked along the bookshelves trying to find something we could film. Sammie got a few shots of the books on the shelves from different angles that we can potentially use, even though they are only a few seconds long. We tried to get some clips of the books flying past while on the shelves but they might look too chaotic to put into our final task, as it is already chaotic enough as it is. We really hope this makes up for the 20 seconds of footage that we don't have. If it doesn't, we don't really know what else we'd be able to do!

We made a quick drive back to Sammie's house to begin inserting the random little clips wherever there was space. We had to slow down a few clips as they were way too fast and messy for us to insert. This thankfully also bought us some more time. While we were editing some more, the unignorable question of music got brought up again. At this point, it is near impossible that Radiohead is going to message us back. It was a long shot, but at least we still tried. Isaac had found some decent royalty free background music we could potentially use. We have to discuss that later though, since we were only meeting up for about an hour and our parents were here to pick us up. Hopefully everything will work out just fine and we will have a video that meets requirements with some good music.


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