Production Blog: Filming

 It's been difficult finding a time to meetup and complete our final task since we have all been very busy this month. Isaac had rehearsal for our school's show everyday including Saturdays and Lilly and I have rehearsal and youth group on Sundays, so our dates would never align! February flew by fast! We didn't realize it was over until our teacher told us we only had a few days left to submit our production blogs. Finally, we were able to find a date to finish filming and begin editing. We made a list of the titles and shots that we were missing and what how we were going to place them. We decided to have Lilly and Isaac's names be planted in book titles for the "Featuring and Written By" titles, Sammie's dad's name on a Spotify cover for our "Music By" title, and Sammie's name on a sharpie for the "Executive Producer" title. Before I left the house in the morning, Lilly asked if I could wear the same outfit I wore the first day we were filming. Which was insane because she told me this 10 minutes before I was going to leave! We negotiated and I ended up just bringing the sweater in case we had to do any more shots of me writing.

We got to Sammie's house at around 10 AM. As we are looking at the props that Sammie made, she realized that the Sharpie with her name on it looks really messy. We thought of a really quick and simple solution which was to replace the sharpie with friendship bracelets. We quickly scavenged for letter beads to spell out "Executive Producer: Samantha Burton." This title was far too long to fit onto a bracelet so we shortened it down to "Exec. Prod. Sammie Burton" and spread it out between two bracelets. Sammie accidentally spelled her name as "Bruton" which lightened up the tense mood. We were all pretty hungry, so we made a quick stop at Brooklyn Water Bagel to get some breakfast before filming.

Once at Barnes & Noble, we darted up the escalator and back to our original filming spot. It was pretty crowded since it was a Saturday, so we knew we had to work quickly. We started with the simplest thing which was to record the friendship bracelets on my hand. All I did was lay my hand down with the beads up and centered around my wrist while Sammie panned down my arm. We then moved on to the music. Our main goal is to get Radiohead's "Everything In Its Right Place" for our final task, but since that is not working out so far, we had a plan B. We did record a clip of me pressing play on that song from my phone, but we also recorded a second clip of me pressing play on a file Sammie made with her dad's name on it in case we have to use royalty free music. We then replaced a few books on the bookshelf with the custom books that Sammie made with Lilly and Isaac's names on them and filmed a few different shots in different angles. This process took much quicker than expected!


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