Production Blog: Filming

 After we had messed up my makeup a but more, it was time to get into some real action. But before we could do that, we had to find out how many titles we are going to need. We put together a list of every title we needed and wrote down who we are going to put and how we are going to execute it. For example, we are going to use the spine of a book to write the editor's name. We are going to include the names of some of the members of our friend group in our titles, with consent of course. A really cool idea that Sammie had was for the "Music By" title. She suggested that after we find the song we are going to use, make a copy of the album cover with the song name and with "Music By" written on it as a title. Moving on, we began to make the titles by having me sloppily write them on notebook paper. My handwriting was neat and normal at first, but as we kept writing the titles, they progressively became messier and more chaotic. I had to write with my fist firmly gripping the Sharpie in my non dominant hand so it could be as haywire as possible. We filmed a few clips of me just writing random words and then crumpling them up so we could hopefully use those in our video! Sammie had me messily write out the lyrics to one of her favorite songs, "Night Shift" by Lucy Dacus so that it didn't look like I was writing nothing! Near the end of the list of titles, we began adding a few "tear drops" (my eye drops) to the page so that it looked like I was crying onto my papers. The final clip of our final task is going to be "Directed By Lilly Gonzalez" sprawled across my notebook with a few teardrops splashing one on top of the other. It's going to look so cool!

After we wasted a lot of notebook paper, we filmed some scenes of me rocking back and forth and losing my mind. I was originally wearing a bow in my hair at the beginning of the video. We decided to use this as a metaphor for my character's innocence and sanity. We filmed a few clips of me tugging at my hair, eventually ripping the bow out of my hair and letting it fall to the ground. We filmed a clip of me looking up and down and having a tear roll down my cheek. This took so many tries because the tear would either roll down too early or not come out at all!

After we were finished filming my parts, Lilly and Isaac made a voice recording of them speaking about different kinds of books since we were in a bookstore. Isaac put a lot of thought into this script. He found books that had to do with really strange things such as "A Modest Proposal" by Thomas Paine. He made a reference in the script that "he found a good solution for hunger." Hah! 

After recording all of the normal dialogue, Lilly and Isaac had to start speaking gibberish so that the dialogue could follow the film in becoming more distorted as time goes on. Eventually, a girl around our age came up to us and asked us what we were doing because it sounded interesting. We showed her a few clips and explained the purpose of our project and she was really impressed!


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