Production Blog: Filming

 I had forgotten how much fun we had filming our music video. Starting to film our final task was super enjoyable! But before we could start filming, we had to decide who was going to be our main character. We agreed that as an artistic choice, we only wanted to have one person on screen the entire time. Our dialogue would derive from conversations being "overheard" in the background. We ruled Sammie and Isaac out from our options as they had already played a big part in our music video, leaving only Lilly and I. Lilly did not want to be seen on camera, so we collectively agreed that I should be the main character in our final task. Every little detail matters, so for my costume, we decided to dress me more preppy and coquette like a schoolgirl. The plot of our final task would look less obvious if I dressed cutesy. 

Finally, the day we were going to begin filming arrived! We decided to start filming on a day that we got out early from school because it was tough figuring out a weekend when everybody was available. Since we got out at 11:40 and had not had any lunch yet, we drove to Chick-fil-a for a quick meal. After eating, we arrived to Barnes & Noble and got ourselves situated in a corner with good lighting on the second floor. 

Our first step was to make my makeup look as messed up as possible and make my eye bags look like I haven't slept in days. We began filming an establishing shot of the library and me slowly dragging my feet as I walk into frame. Sammie filmed from the complete other side of the library, across the stairs. But we had to retake this shot so many times because people kept walking into frame! The struggles of filming in public, I guess. After we got a good shot of the library and me walking into frame, we did a tracking shot of me walking in between the bookshelves. This shot was my personal favorite, I thought it turned out really cool. After that was done, we filmed a birds eye view of me sitting down. This took multiple tries because it was so hard for me to stay in frame while someone was holding the camera above a bookshelf. Luckily, Lilly (who is 5'11) found a step stool that helped make that process go so much smoother. 

Right there on the spot, we decided that instead of editing the titles in, we should write them on a notebook and plant them on sharpies and books. I wrote Gafocat Studios Presents on my notebook but it was so hard to keep it in focus! The camera kept focusing on my hair in the background rather than the writing on my paper and me underlining it. Even in our final shot, it is still a bit blurry. Once we moved on from that, we agreed that it was time to mess up my makeup more and get a bit more insane...


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