Production Blog: Editing
After Isaac left, we had to start brainstorming ideas on how to achieve longer footage. Since we couldn't go back and film me again, we didn't know what to do. Eventually, we decided to try to go back another day and just film random excerpts of books on the shelves. Maybe throw in some distorted clips of our surrounding area. We decided that our solution was sufficient enough and moved on with the editing process. We kept updating Isaac as we edited so that he would be able to have a say in things and contribute to the project. As we kept adjusting clips to try and make them a little longer, we stumbled upon another dilemma: we don't know what music to use! We are all hoping to get the rights for "Everything In Its Right Place," but the clock is ticking so we need to come up with backup options. We scrolled through a bit of royalty free music and found some potential options. We wrote down the names and are keeping them for future purposes.
As we continued working, we were listening to "the rest" by boygenius. Something hilarious happened! When we were editing a scene of me looking up from writing, a song lyric played that said "white teeth, black light, white tea, brown eyes" which perfectly synced up to when I looked up and it was so funny since I have brown eyes! We took that as a sign to not give up and that our project will turn out great. We got some productive feedback about the order of our random clips from Sammie's dad which we took into consideration. Now, it was time to add the dialogue. We wanted it to be spread out and be able to be heard over the music, but still be seen as background noise. The dialogue came out really cool since there were subtle 'library noises' in the background which made it feel more realistic. We have finished the majority of our final task. All we are missing now is to go back to Barnes & Noble and take a few more shots to fill in some empty spaces.
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