Title Design Blog

The opening credits of our film will mostly appear handwritten on pieces of lined paper by the actor, but also in random places, sprinkled throughout the opening sequence.

For example, the name on a drink order, the writing on a pencil, a sticky-note to-do list, the spine of a book, or the heading of a page.

● Working Title: The title of this film is likely to be “Migraine”

● For the most part, it will be handwritten in sloppy, script writing.

● Titles will all be shown, written on pages of a notebook, or panned to in places throughout the setting. They will be cut off by the nature of the fast shots we will use, cutting to the next shot and title.

● Titles will disappear after about ten seconds of footage

● We will probably be using a dark colored pen/marker for the writing on the papers, and other colors depending on the alternate shots.

● We are playing with the ideas of which roles will be in what style, or on what object.

We had Amelie practice the sloppy style writing she will likely be using if she plays the main character role, which we expect.

Here are the practice words she wrote for inspiration!


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