
 Barnes & Nobles

Friend 1

Oh. My. GOD. Have you read this book? Its SO GOOD.

Friend 2

Yes, I read it in English, with you! Jeez, you are so forgetful.

Friend 1

Well, read it again! Edgar Allen Poe is amazing.

Friend 2

You've only read The Tell Tale Heart, you can't say all of his stuff is amazing!

Friend 3

I've been getting into historical books lately, have you read A Modest Proposal?

Friend 4

No, isn't that one by the same guy who wrote common sense?

Friend 3

Yeah, he makes some good suggestions on how to solve hunger, I feel like we could use what he says today!

Friend 5

I really liked The Yellow Wallpaper-wait, do you see that in the wall?

Friend 6

Yeah, it looks like a woman crawling through the walls... creepy.

Friend 5

I kind of see myself in it, in a weird way.

Friend 6

No, I see myself in it too.

Voice 1

Creb sid vensid treg mive senk dem bisard spitalum

Voice 2

Spitlem hedwhite meftar hil sloem malolds mosdelium lifraims hardincer


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