Final Task Storyboard

An establishing shot of the library.

Actor roaming the library halls to find a place to study. 
Actor finds a place to study and sits down.
Zoom into book spines where title cards will appear.
Over the shoulder shot of actor studying.
Zoom into textbooks to reveal more title cards in the writing.
Shot of actor sitting among the growing books.
A bookshelf where more title cards will appear.
Actor starts to scribble on her books manically.
Zoom into pencil with names on them.
Acrot collecting herself from her thoughts.
Zoom into weird symbols written on her notebook.
Insert of 2 other actors speaking in distorted tongues.
Zoom into the other actors books with title cards.
Actor hears buzzing and static as she goes insane.
Title card on a cup of coffee near her.
Final shot of a book with "Migraine" scribbled on it.
Pencil snaps on paper from the force and screen cuts to black.


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