Movie Conventions Research: In the Tall Grass

What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

In the Tall Grass has many conventions found in classic psychological thriller movies. This movie includes many tracking shots following the characters through the maze that is the tall grass, high angles to make the characters look vulnerable, and establishing shots above the tall grass. Many cutaways are used for when there is a jump scare and a significant amount of cross cutting when the characters are all running in different locations to give the impression that their actions are all unfolding at the same time, just in different locations. Not many props are used in this movie and there is only two settings: the field and a church. All of the characters are covered in dirt and remain in the same clothes the entire time. 

What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you liked?

Some conventions from In the Tall Grass that I enjoyed was the many tracking shots and cutaways. The tracking shots make the movie feel more interactive and like the viewer is there in the scene, following the character. I also really like the many cutaways at the beginning of the movie because it shows how the characters are confused and running around trying to find each other. 

What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?

Some conventions from In the Tall Grass that did not appeal to me were how minimal props were used and how dark every scene was after the sun went down. There are very few props including a cellphone and a giant rock. I believe more props should have been added to improve the storyline of the movie. Another convention that did not appeal to me was how dark the lightning was after the sun went down. It was very difficult to see and I was not able to pick up what was going on in the story due to how dark it was. 


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