Movie Conventions Research: Don't Worry Darling

What conventions of psychological thrillers does this movie have?

This movie has lots of close ups and zooms into the main characters face. The sets and costumes are all relating to the 1950's which is where the movie is set. There is a major plot twist nearing the end of the movie, common in this genre. The main character is trapped and cannot escape, also common in this genre. There are fast cuts in between shots, like an insert, montages of weird pictures with whooshing noises, and high pitched ringing, fast paced music.

What conventions of psychological thriller did this movie have that you like?

This movie's plot twist had me shocked, as I truly had no idea. I also loved the main character's arc of realizing her situation, and even though everyone around her believes she is crazy, she is actually correct. I also really liked how the sets change to show her mindset. When she is cleaning the house by herself, the window she is cleaning starts to close in and push her up against a wall until it gets difficult to breathe and she starts to suffocate. After she screams, she opens her eyes to reveal the window is perfectly normal and did not move, showing her insanity.

What conventions of psychological thriller did this movie have that you did not appeal to you?

The movie was overall very good and used classic conventions to further the point and plot of it. The one thing I did not like was the cliffhanger. The end of the movie felt rushed and although cliffhangers are common with this genre, I did not like the ending as it felt slightly lazy and unresolved.


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