Production Blog: Editing

 Lilly and I ended up leaving shortly after Isaac. We agreed to FaceTime on a later date in order to finish editing. Flash forward to around a week after we filmed, we are now getting ready to FaceTime. Only issue is, Isaac has an Android, not an iPhone. So we need to find an alternative to FaceTime. We decided to try calling on Snapchat. Even with that, it took Isaac a little time to fully get on. After a lot of buffering and connection issues, we were all successfully connected o the call. We began our editing process by watching the video fully and taking note on what we thought was wrong. I noticed that my drum part was not aligned with the music and it frustrated me. As a drummer, I have a very keen eye for messed up tempos. After about 10 more tries, we found a much better placement for the clip in which my hands and where I was hitting lined up with the music. Isaac then made a suggestion to make the inserts more spaced out. He wanted the insert of Sammie and I jumping off the couch in slow motion to be a few more seconds later. This actually helped a lot by spacing out the clips more and getting them on a better timing. While we were editing, we noticed a big mistake. The clip of Isaac running after Sammie was accidentally filmed in slow motion! Thankfully, we had an easy solution. Sammie found a way to speed the clip up to make it back to normal speed. As much as we thought it was an issue, it really wasn't! Afterwards, Lilly wanted the close ups with the fish eye of her, Sammie, and I to be lined up in between clips to seem more even and spread out. We finally finished! This project was so much fun, I didn’t think I would enjoy this class as much as I do! And the final result looks amazing!


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