Production Blog

 The day is almost here: recording day! We are all so excited to begin working on this project. Its going to be so much fun! We have almost all of the basics figured out: where we will meet, at what time, where we are going, our props, etc. We agreed to meet Saturday, October 21 at Sammie's house at 11 A.M. It may seem a little early, but we could only find one day where everyone is available to record due to all of our very busy schedules. So we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. The only thing we aren't very sure about is what we are going to wear. We were considering wearing what Weezer wears in the cover of their "Blue Album," but we also want to make it seem like a more realistic story rather than a scripted video that could make us seem like we are trying to copy the band. We are most likely just going to wear regular street clothes that fit the vibe of that era. The 90s alternative rock look consists of run down jeans and loose shirts; nothing too fancy, just very, very casual. 

Even with many things planned out, we still may run into some problems. For starters, I recently got laryngitis. I have my off days where I may feel horrible, but then some good days where I feel fine. It depends how I may be feeling or if I get over my sickness by the day we are filming. I assume I will be fine though, as I have been feeling better since today. Another challenge we may face is the weather. Florida is a generally very rainy and bipolar place. Even though the forecast may say that it will not rain, always assume there is a 30% chance that it will. This could affect us going around the neighborhood and filming random clips. Though that may not seem too bad, if the rain is heavy enough, it could also affect our ability to drive over to Sammie’s house and to the recording studio.


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