Production Blog
After finally finishing my commercial, it was time to start working on my music video. The group I am working with consists of three of my friends: Lilly, Samantha (Sammie,) and Isaac. For our song, we decided to do "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer. We were thinking of doing a song by The Beatles or Queen. But after a bit of convincing, we agreed to do a song by Weezer. The iconic choice would have been "Buddy Holly," but we decided in Say It Ain't so because we could create more elaborate scenes with this song. A very cool concept that we are planning on doing is making it seem like we are actually playing the song. Sammie plays guitar, Isaac plays bass, and I am a drummer. Lilly will pretend sing. We are going to go to Sammie’s dad’s recording studio and film ourselves playing the song which we will later use clips of in our music video.
Initially, we agreed to meet on October 28th to start filming. We were all going to drive over to Sammie's house (lucky for me, I live 2 blocks away,) and start the recording process in her bedroom. Beginning with shots of Sammie waking up and eating cereal. From there, we would drive to Sammie's dad's recording studio and film a few shots there, including us playing our instruments and just us fooling around since the music videos from this genre of music are very random and cut to scenes that make no sense. Afterwards, we would just go around the neighborhood filming silly clips of us that we could potentially use in our music video. Unfortunately, Sammie had to cancel because she was going to her grandpa's halloween party. But thankfully, we were able to find another day where our whole group is available. We ended up switching our recording date to this Saturday, October 21st. Let the filming commence!
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