Production Blog: Editing

 After a long day at the recording studio, we were getting a bit hungry. Sammie’s dad took us to lunch at BurgerFi! After eating, we went back to Sammie’s house to begin editing. We took a break from working to listen to The Smiths and relax a bit. Afterwards, we jumped right back into it! Sammie had a large desktop computer which made it very simple to see how we wanted to organize things. We cropped our the videos that contained our storyline and put them all together as one long video first. We realized we only had 40 seconds worth of storyline. We still needed 45 more seconds. Thankfully, all of those small, silly excerpts we took were going to come in handy! 

We poured all of the videos that we took into one folder. We picked what we liked and rearranged them to fit the timing of the song. Which brought up another issue: we didn’t know the timing of the song. At first, we were going to edit the song itself to play as the intro, the first verse, the second chorus, and then the bridge. But while we were trying to do so, we realized that the audio sounds very stiff and staggered. We decided to scratch that idea. After listening to the song multiple times and seeing what matched up to what, we came to the decision of where we were going to start the song. Even though the intro is a bit rough, the song will start halfway through verse 3, into chorus 2, and transition into the bridge and cut right before the solo. Even though the audio is a bit rocky, we believed that this is the best we could make it without making the audio sound staggered. Unfortunately, Isaac had to leave, but we still continued editing and running things by him.


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