Production Blog
The last time I updated my blog, my entire commercial was accidentally deleted. But, I think it was a good thing. Misclicking and getting rid of my commercial actually led to me creating an even better one. Since I had to go back and search through pictures, I had the opportunity to find new pictures and videos that I could add to my project. I'm glad I did that, because I was able to find some great pieces of media that capture who I am that I completely missed while searching for pictures the first time. I decided that I should add a few videos of my first band and I performing. I joined my first band in May of 2022 while I was still in middle school and it was one of the best decisions of my life. The band was called 'The Priorities' and I had the greatest experience which truly opened my eyes to the world of live music and being able to be apart of it like I had always dreamed. Unfortunately, The Priorities have ultimately disbanded due to unforeseen circumstances. But I will forever be grateful to have been able to be apart of that group. Continuing on the subject of music, I decided to add a few videos of me singing in my church's Worship band. I have been on the Praise Team for a little over a year now and I really enjoy being able to lead worship for the congregation. On the note of church, I also added a few videos from the church camps I go to. One where we are having a rave in the sanctuary for New Years, and the other where we are running out of the kitchen on the last day of camp after cooking for over 300 people for two weeks.
For a blast back to the past, I added little silly videos and pictures of me when I was younger. Including a video of my breakdancing in the middle of Old Navy and one where I am 'drumming' on stools using chopsticks. As well as some footage from me performing in different theatre productions. My favorite being when I played Alice in The Addams Family and had to perform a song while crawling on a table! I thought it would also be nice to throw in a little bit of my heritage into my project. My mom was born and raised in Chihuahua, Mexico and we go visit family every summer. I am fluent in Spanish and take pride in my ethnicity. I added a video from a few days ago during a Mexico Independence Day party where I am dancing with my friend's dad. My commercial is really starting to look more personalized now!
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