Production Blog

It has been a couple of days since I last updated my blog and a lot has happened. Let me start from the beginning. After I published my last blog, I decided to start working on my commercial. I was gathering the pictures I needed and looking through cool transitions. But the app sent me a message saying that I cannot continue my project unless I delete storage since my phone was full. This meant that I had to delete some apps, pictures, and anything that would take up storage. I started deleting old screenshots that I didn't need anymore. Making my way to the apps, I deleted a few apps that I wasn't using anymore. While doing that, I unconsciously deleted CapCut on accident. I was wondering why my phone's storage got cleared so quickly! I didn't remember deleting the app. So when I went back to work on my commercial, I was confused as to why I couldn't find the app anymore. I figured that while clearing out my storage, I accidentally deleted CapCut in the process. Realizing my mistake, I redownloaded the app. I had to start over from the beginning so I got right back to work. I did not want to waste anymore time because of my careless mistake. It took me a bit to relocate my photos since I didn't put them in a specified folder. Which again, was pretty absentminded of me. Luckily, I didn't delete the screen recording I had of my song, so I did not need to go back and tape that over again. But having to look for my pictures again gave me the opportunity to maybe change up some of my options! I know I can get my commercial looking even better than before. So really, accidentally deleting my project could have been a good thing!


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